Bootstrap Playground

Aerial view of a playground.
Photo by Gaddafi Rusli.

Now that you’ve learned why Bootstrap is the best thing since sliced bread, it’s your turn to slide headfirst into this framework. Leave no stone unturned!

  1. Create a new HTML file (bootstrap-playground.html), and save it in your webdev folder.
  2. Add the Bootstrap starter template.
  3. Try on for size all the Bootstrap components—okay, maybe not all of them, but enough to build a pretty cool website template. Hey, you found an Easter egg! Send me a picture of a boot in Slack so I know you saw this!
  4. Add some images! Rearrange things! Think about how quickly you could have created Project One with this awesome resource. You won’t immediately know how all the components operate, and that’s okay. This is your chance to experiment, modify, and make mistakes. Maybe even throw in the Bootstrap grid, if you’re feeling bold.
  5. Once you feel semi-proud of your website, upload it to the server or make sure it is saved on your flash drive.