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Advanced Web Development
Menu and widgets
Online Syllabus
How to Submit Assignments
NMI Dossier
Module 1: HTML/CSS
Week Zero
HTML Basics
Optional Exercise: HTML Basics
Course Notes: HTML Basics
Week One
Lists, Links and Web Fonts
Course Notes: Lists, Links, & Fonts
Exercise: Lists, Links & Fonts
Course Notes: More HTML
Exercise: Build Some Forms!
CSS Intro
Course Notes: CSS Intro
Exercise: CSS Intro
Week Two
CSS Text Styling
Course Notes: CSS Text Styling
Exercise: CSS Text Styling
Basic Box Stuff
Exercise: Basic Box Stuff
Optional Reading: CSS Box Model
Week Three
Flexbox & More
Course Notes: Flexbox
Exercise: Flexbox
Project 1: 3-Page Website
Module 2: JavaScript & API’s
Week Four
Javascript Intro
Exercise: Calculate!
Exercise: Introduction to Arrays
Week Five
Exercise: Build a Slideshow
Exercise: Fortune Teller
Booleans & Conditionals
Exercise: Conditionals
Week Six
Exercise: Controlling CSS w/ JavaScript
Project 2: Using Arrays
Week Seven
Object, Nested Arrays and More
Exercise: Objects
Project 3: Make an Object
Week Eight
Exercise: Nested Objects
Exercise: Let’s Play Cards
Project 4: Covid Blues
Week Nine
Exercise: Asteroids
Exercise: Trivia Pt. 1
Exercise: Trivia Pt. 2
Project 5: Jukebox
Module 3: JavaScript Frameworks
Week Ten
Exercise: Intro to Vue.js
Exercise: Vue Part II
Exercise: Vue Part III
Week Eleven
Exercise: Vue Part IV
Exercise: Vue Part V
Exercise: Dawgs API
Week Twelve
Exercise: Cats
Project 6: Cat Components
Module 4: Advanced Topics & Final Project
Individual Concentration
Concentration Bonus
Final Project
Week Fourteen
Week Fifteen
Hosting with Github
VS Code Tips
Files and Folders
Cyberduck 101
Other Topics
Project: Using WordPress as a data source
Advanced CSS Topics
CSS Frameworks
CSS Preprocessors
Web Security
Dev-Track Students
Intro to Node
In-Depth Node Lesson
Dev-Track Instructions
Setting up a domain and hosting
Uploading to the server
Cyberduck 101
NMI Dossier
Week One
August 21-25