How to Submit Your Assignments

This will walk you through how to submit all assignments for this course, including exercises and projects. You will essentially build all of this material within the folder you will create for the course and I will be able to access it after you submit your site. A requirement for this course as for all NMI classes is to have a personal portfolio website. You should have created this in your NMIX 4010/6010 Web Development course. If you do not have a portfolio website yet, you will need to create one in this course. Please reach out to me via Slack if this applies to you.

Site Submission Instructions

  1. First job is to submit your site. If you already have a domain name and hosting such as, you will need to create a new folder for this class with your ftp client that is either or depending on what level you are taking this course at (if you are in the online section, the folder should be named 4020e or 6020e).
  2. If you need hosting,  click here  for our recommendation and information on how to set everything up.
  3. Now complete THIS FORM to submit or as your site for this course. (Use your real site domain name of course) All of your assignments must live in the new folder that you just created.

Create an assignment page

Assuming that you created a folder and submitted the URL, the next step is to add an index.html page to the 4020/6020 or 4020e/6020e folder that will link to your assignments. When you set this up and as you add assignments to this page throughout the course, please keep it simple and logical. This is the page that I will visit in order to grade your work and we both want me to be able to find your assignments easily. Here is an example of a suggested format below. NOTE: It does NOT need to look pretty, this just needs to work so that I can access your assignments. I recommend using a list to link all of your work by week. This needs to be completed ASAP.

NMC/EM Dossier

  • Website
  • Medium


Week 1

  • Exercise: Lists, Links, and Fonts
  • Exercise: Build Some Forms
  • Exercise: CSS Intro
  • Project:
  • Extra Credit:
  • Etc.