Homework Links
Because this is lesson one a bit of explanation is in order. Immediately below you should see a link titled Really Basic Stuff that leads to a webpage with a lot of information about HTML. Below the link is a numbered list of topics that you should give special attention to on this webpage. Why? Because I think those particular topics are important for you to learn. Some of those topics (and none others) will also show up on a graded quiz.
Really Basic Stuff
- Block elements versus inline elements
- Element attributes including
- Link (a:) attributes such as href, title and target
- Single or double quotes?
- Anatomy of a HTML document
- Distinction between <html><head> and <body> tags
- What about whitespace?
- Know about special characters. Don’t try to memorize them, just understand what they are and why they are necessary.
- HTML comments. What are they? How do you make one?
Metadata. What is it used for? Why?
- Character encoding
- Author and description
- Icons
- Also of interest: setting the primary language of a document or simply a span tag.
HTML text fundamentals
- Heading elements: <h1><h2<h3> etc. Structural hierarchy and ‘semantics.’
- Lists
- Unordered vs. ordered list
- Nesting lists
- Emphasis: <strong>,<em>, <i><b>, and <u> tags.
- What sort of things can hyperlinks point to?
- Link anatomy: purpose of <title> tag within a link
- Links and block elements
- Links in relation to directories
- how to link within same directory
- how to link down into subdirectories
- how to link up into parent directories
- Links to document fragments. Ie. linking to an internal portion of a document.
- use of id tags for internal links
- absolute versus relative URLS
- Best practices for hyperlinks (commit all of these to memory).
- Download attribute?
- Email links.
- Details that can be added to email links
Visual Studio Code
You can use any text editor that you want to in this course, but I recommend Vscode (Visual Studio Code). It’s a great editor with a constantly expanding list of features, and it is FREE.