Author: admin

  • Making It Work Better

    Making It Work Better

    You know our motto: Make something work. Then make it work better. During the pandemic, we’ve taken this motto to heart by exploring ways to make online classes, content, and events just as fun and engaging as their physical counterparts. If you’ve attended a virtual SLAM or a TEDxUGA Salon with us, you know what we’re talking…

  • Elevating UGA’s Ideas

    Elevating UGA’s Ideas

    Last month, we leveled up with the University of Georgia’s most powerful stories, research, and ideas at the eighth annual TEDxUGA. Nine incredible faculty, student, and alumni presenters took the stage to embrace bold questions, innovative scholarship, and untold stories. At TEDxUGA 2021: Next Level, we were joined by our most wide-reaching audience yet! Attendees from 27 states and beyond gathered…

  • Hello World, Meet Baby

    Hello World, Meet Baby

    The NMI family has welcomed a new member! Baby Everett arrived in late February to New Media Certificate Advisor Kyla Sterling and her husband Nick. Our tiniest technomaniac can be found wiggling his toes, taking long naps, and learning HTML/CSS in preparation for taking NMIX 4110: New Media Production next semester. Join us as we congratulate Kyla and Nick…

  • Searching Far and NMIde

    Searching Far and NMIde

    We need your techpertise! #NMIRecommends launched in Fall 2020 to spread the scoop on the best tips, tricks, and tech-related trends from around the web. With a goal of connecting our students to resources beyond the classroom, NMI Recommends has proven itself an instant success amongst students. And now we need to trade you a bit…

  • Introducing Professional Fridays

    Introducing Professional Fridays

    Everyone’s favorite day of the week just got better! The NMI made a big move this year consolidating almost all New Media and Emerging Media courses to a Monday through Thursday schedule and officially dedicating Fridays to fostering student and industry collaboration. From networking lunches and internship interviews to industry conferences and site tours, Fridays are now set aside for…

  • Welcoming New Faces

    Welcoming New Faces

    New year, new NMI! We’re so excited to welcome the newest addition to the NMI team, Phoebe Finch. Phoebe is taking over as the NMI Social Media and Communications Assistant. Though Phoebe didn’t join the team until December, she originally started her New Media journey in Spring 2020 as a New Media Certificate student. Along with keeping everyone up-to-date on…

  • Meet the NMIXperts

    Meet the NMIXperts

    You know our motto — “Make something work. Then make it work better.” While we’re learning how to make it work on our journey to becoming technowledgable, there are a select few specially equipped to make it work even better. These incredible individuals are NMIXperts. From development to design, NMIXperts are New Media Certificate or Emerging Media…

  • Teaching in New Spaces

    Teaching in New Spaces

    UGA’s Innovation Hub is now open, and we’re excited that our students can enjoy everything this creative, co-working space has to offer! The Innovation Hub is home to UGA’s startup venture efforts and experiential learning activities, and NMI faculty and students get to be some of the first to enjoy this innovative expansion. Within this renovated space, we’re teaching…

  • ASLphabet


    In an effort to foster better communication between hearing-impaired individuals and their fellow classmates, this app allows users to utilize their own two hands as actual signing devices instead of solely relying on 2D instructions or 3D models. Having children learn at their most productive ages of 6 – 12 helps to increase their bilingual…

  • LSSI Explorer

    LSSI Explorer

    It’s an island like no other…one to soak in the daily rhythm and peaceful cadence of the environment. It’s an island to explore habitats and commune with nature. Little St. Simons Island, an 11,000-acre island managed by the Nature Conservency off the coast of Georgia, is a popular destination for birders. The LSSI Explorer app…