One Fifty One, Inc.

May 7, 2021

One Fifty One, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization headquartered in Douglas, Ga that works to relieve poverty in rural Georgia communities. In its current operations, the organization hosts summer camps at local churches. Each summer, campers assist local families in unsafe living conditions by providing critical structural repairs to homes at no cost to the homeowner.

In an effort to expand operations to other communities, the local summer camp incorporated as One Fifty One, Inc. in 2019. The volunteer-operated camp was quickly faced with the challenge of restructuring the brand to allow for growth from a single-camp operation to multiple local camps operated by the newly formed nonprofit.

Additionally, as One Fifty One’s summer camp programming expands to new communities in South Georgia, the registration process and camp management needs to be expanded to allow for the oversight of multiple camps.

In order to create an online presence that accurately represents the newly incorporated One Fifty One, Inc., the organization needed an updated website that clearly distinguishes between the nonprofit organization and its programming. By leveraging the power of WordPress and plugins like RegistrationMagic, One Fifty One, Inc. has a new and improved online hub that is both affordable and user-friendly, allowing them to focus on their mission of serving others.