Tag: Apple
Immerse Yourself in This New NMIX Course
The NMI is proud to introduce a new course – NMIX 4040/6040: Immersive Realities! Kicking off in Fall 2025, this new offering will empower students with industry-standard tools and techniques to guide them through the fundamentals of 3D asset creation to advanced applications in virtual, augmented, and mixed realities. From game design to digital storytelling,…
Plato once said that what was thought to be reality was nothing more than shadows on a cavern wall. In this allegory, reality is its own shadow, a mirage of itself that is no less real to the one perceiving it. As technology advances, this allegory becomes more and more literal as technology like the…
BLITZ is the new smart app that brings simplicity, customization, and strong cross-platform functionality. This app allows users to take pictures, use screenshots, written notes, and translate them into editable text. Photo to text is what makes this possible. In the app, the cloud’s cross-platform connection capabilities are used to bring the photos from a…
Freddy the Thingbug
Freddy the Thingbug is an adorable little green bug with big eyes and a big heart. But Freddy doesn’t know what makes him special. He can’t run fast or jump high or fly like the other bugs. So he goes on an adventure, and he learns about himself along the way. Society pressures kids to…
Imagine you’re trying to train a puppy. They have the attention span of a toddler (and the same rebellious spirit, too). You’d like to track your pup’s progress, but you can’t hold your phone and prevent them from taking off after a squirrel at the same time. Using your Apple Watch seems like a good…
Roughly 24 million Gen Z-ers were eligible to vote in 2020, but only a fraction cast a ballot in the national election. Local elections notoriously have lower participation than national elections, even though local politics have more direct impact on communities. Simpol is determined to demolish educational and accessibility barriers to increase informed voter turnout at the local election…
CampusX is a mobile-based marketplace that offers affordability and accountability for your college community. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni with a valid .edu email account can sign up to buy, sell, and trade items ranging from clothing and home decor to electronics and used textbooks. This iOS application is a secure and safe mediator for…
Georgia River App
The goals of the Georgia River application is to keep safety in mind for users, while the application includes features that show users the ins and outs of river routes and trails. Users also have the option to report various hazards they see when partaking in river activities. These reports show up on a dynamic…
UGA Desegregation
History can be made to seem farther away than it really is, particularly the history of racial discrimination against African Americans in the United States. Disheartening events such as the University of Georgia ruling against two African American students attending the school because of the color of their skin could seem like an archaic notion.…
Two One Way
In an era of effortless convenience and connectivity, it’s easy to forget about those who are left out of that first world bubble of reality. Getting what we want, not even what we need, at our fingertips is arguably problematically easy, and with this kind of excess in one direction, there must be an equal…