Two One Way

In an era of effortless convenience and connectivity, it’s easy to forget about those who are left out of that first world bubble of reality. Getting what we want, not even what we need, at our fingertips is arguably problematically easy, and with this kind of excess in one direction, there must be an equal and opposite void in another.

Even in an era where more people own a smartphone than have a place to lay their head at night, not all members of society’s needs are held equally to those who are developing the market share and building the supply chains. Ask yourself this simple question: why hasn’t someone taken this existing database of nonprofit resources and turned it into a usable, online product for those who have the demand? If there’s no Prime subscription, remember, there’s no free shipping.

So why can’t there be an Amazon, no Prime needed, to connect the constant supply of nonprofit resources and the constant demand of those going through a hard time in need of a hand? We’ve been crafting just such a web product for United Way of Northeast Georgia, curated to the needs of our average user demographics we researched.

There’s no reason why this isn’t the answer to the problems our clients at 211 have been facing with their current website’s performance. I hope you will enjoy how our front-end specs have turned out as much as we have!