Category: Uncategorized
Last Bud Not Least
At TEDxUGA 2024: Snapshot, we explored the gallery of ideas that make up the UGA community. With individual perspectives spanning from AI in space and in the classroom to the power of forgiveness, nine incredible presenters took the stage to share their passions, research, and ideas worth spreading with a global audience of 700+ viewers. Thank you…
You Grow, Guys!
At the forefront of technological innovation, Artificial Intelligence is driving significant advancements across various fields. To some, AI is a distant, ambiguous concept that hasn’t yet reached them. But here at the NMI, it’s a big deal. AI is woven into everything we do, from student projects to how our instructors teach. We know AI…
That’s not all! We’re sure you’ve heard of this little thing called the Apple Vision Pro. As you can imagine, we have not only heard of, but recently acquired one of our very own. NMI students and faculty now have the opportunity to immerse themselves in all that the Vision Pro has to offer: Ever wanted…
How many places around Athens have you always wanted to visit, but never got around to? Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an app that would help you keep track of your Athens bucket list, record your memories, and even reveal hidden gems? Meet Athventure – UGA’s very first bucket list app for students.…
To Good Times and New Adventures
Summer is always bittersweet. As irreplaceable members of the NMI fam transition into life’s next adventure, we can’t help but miss each and every one of them as the new school year approaches. Here are some of our difficult goodbyes from this summer. Do-It-All DD For the past 8 years, Deanna “DD” Wood, the office…
Blog Template Official
Joe Brown NMI Student Arbitrary Text Here ar·bi·trar·y ˈärbəˌtrerē/ adjective adjective: arbitrary based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. “his mealtimes were entirely arbitrary” synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, unpredictable; More antonyms: reasoned, rational (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority. “arbitrary…
Congratulations Dr. Aldridge!
Help us congratulate the New Media Institute’s very own Dr. Emuel Aldridge for being selected to work with the Distance Learning Committee as part of Grady’s inaugural Online Learning Development Cohort! Dean Charles Davis, who was tasked with forming Grady’s Distance Learning Committee last year, was seeking a select group of faculty to collaborate with the…
Welcome John Weatherford!
Please join the New Media Institute in welcoming John Weatherford. John joined the NMI in August and has had a busy start to the year teaching New Media Production and Rich Media classes. John also works closely with Dr. Shamp and Emuel to lead the Capstone course. Before joining the NMI, John spent many years teaching in UGA’s…