Author: admin
Once the NMI students were linked up with the Georgia Aquarium and Vert Mobile, they sought to create something that users would appreciate and that would clearly promote their client in an effective way. The mobile website would offer necessary information about the Aquarium along with entertaining features like fun facts, trivia, quizzes, exclusive content…
The Neighborhood
Starbucks. We love you. We also love spending time sipping our chocolate mocha vanilla caramel concoctions inside your colorful cafés… for a little while. However, our souls are inspired by everything beyond your walls. What if you could support people in finding the opportunity to create timeless memories by using a Wi-Fi network and everyone’s favorite,…
Listen Up Local
Athens has long been a hotbed for up-and-coming musicians. Having churned out artists such as R.E.M and the B-52s, and more recently The Whigs, the Classic City has a reputation steeped in musical excellence. But despite the city’s proud musical background, Athens has one major problem that plagues musicians throughout the city. Despite the music…
Wouldn’t it be cool if you could maximize your event attending experiences? Concerts, sporting events, and festivals deliver a great time to all attendees. However, problems at events are always unavoidable. What do you do when you are at and unfamiliar arena and can’t find a rest room or a food stand? What about when…