
iGalactico is an interactive Facebook user experience – one that is personalized to each user to input their data into a video that educates and encourages a healthy lifestyle. We created a story line for the video that follows an average teenager go from humble origins in Athens, Georgia to the top of the soccer world in Spain through simple eating and exercise changes. It will inspire teens and young adults that with simple lifestyle changes, they can be successful at whatever they want to do in life.

Using the information “allowed” from Facebook, the user will see each of his/her top friends and individual information in their user experience. Our application uses stealth learning — a form of learning that makes the brain not think that it is learning while it is. We have put in health facts in our video that will resonate with the brain even while the user is not cognizant that it is acquiring new information. Once the iGalactico interactive video experience captures the user’s attention through the use of personalized information like their name, photos and friends, it will then display short and simple guidelines on how to live a healthier life.

Simulated statuses and comments will show the user talking about eating unhealthy food. As the video continues, the user will see their timeline posts change from unhealthy habits to posts of health articles and soccer training schedules. Their friends’ photos and names will appear below these posts, providing encouragement for the simulated user’s new healthy activity. Articles and tips are shown in the video to provide easy, healthy habits to adopt, making this application more than just an entertaining personalized video experience. Also, with the comments being in Spanish and English, it really speaks to the Hispanic population and markets the application specifically to this audience. iGalactico speaks to its users in the language of health!