Tag: 2019

  • New Additions to the EM Family

    New Additions to the EM Family

    This summer, the Emerging Media Masters program ushered its fourth cohort into the fold. Ten new innovators started the journey—or, some might say, the sprint—to a master’s degree. We’ll happily sing the praises of EM any day, but we wanted some of our new students to speak for themselves about why they decided EM was…

  • Taking On TEDxUGA

    Taking On TEDxUGA

    TEDxUGA’s incredible success is two fold: idea-driven presenters delivering empowering talks and a hard working set of amazing humans behind the scenes. One key role ties these two worlds together — the Curator. After gracefully managing curation through her participation in NMIX 4200: New Media & TED, we are thrilled to welcome to the team…

  • Fantastic New Faculty

    Fantastic New Faculty

    While the NMI’s crazy initiatives and bold undertakings increase each and every year, the faculty team, bursting at the seams, has not. Until now [drumroll please]… Ladies and gentlemen, we’re beyond excited to officially welcome the NMI’s latest and greatest addition to the squad, Leah Moss! No stranger to the NMI, Leah pioneered the EM…

  • John Weatherford Strikes Again

    John Weatherford Strikes Again

    Summer might have sizzled, but John Weatherford kept it cool as one of 12 faculty participants in the 2019 UGA Active Learning Summer Institute. The three-week intensive program helped John reimagine NMIX 2020: Introduction to New Media, creating new ways to involve the class with active learning techniques. As the summer came to a close,…

  • From High School to Hi-Tech

    From High School to Hi-Tech

    The semester we’re welcoming the NMI’s youngest team member yet, Nyah Carlson. Nyah is interning with the NMI as part of Young Dawgs, a program that places high-achieving high school students in internships on campus and in the community. Currently a senior at Clarke Central High School, Nyah is Captain of the varsity soccer team…