New Additions to the EM Family

This summer, the Emerging Media Masters program ushered its fourth cohort into the fold. Ten new innovators started the journey—or, some might say, the sprint—to a master’s degree. We’ll happily sing the praises of EM any day, but we wanted some of our new students to speak for themselves about why they decided EM was for them.

Kaitlyn Fellows loves that “the program is so focused on workplace skills. Through our projects, we learn a variety of different techniques that we can take with us no matter what field we enter into after graduation!”

For Rodrigo Blankenship, EM was a natural transition out of undergrad. “I wanted to learn new skills and diversify my breadth of knowledge to build on what I gained during my time as a Journalism student in undergrad. Several of my Journalism professors recommended it and told me that it would be a great next step for me, and so far they’ve been right on the money.”

But for other students, EM is a chance to pivot. Elle Henderson said, “I felt lost in my undergraduate major, but found a career path in UX Design through the NMI. The faculty is amazing and I just wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet!”

And while these students are still just at the start of their EM journey, the NMI is looking ahead to next summer and the big things (hint) that will be happening (hint) with EM ?. Stay tuned for all the exciting news to come!