John Weatherford Strikes Again

Summer might have sizzled, but John Weatherford kept it cool as one of 12 faculty participants in the 2019 UGA Active Learning Summer Institute. The three-week intensive program helped John reimagine NMIX 2020: Introduction to New Media, creating new ways to involve the class with active learning techniques. As the summer came to a close, John found the spotlight at the 2019 InterActive Colloquium where he presented his hard work from ALSI to the UGA community.

With Intro to New Media kicking off our students’ Certificate journey, John’s enhancements will start our students off strong as they learn to love new media as much as we do. Over the last 5 years, John has worked hard to make 2020 work, but as he continues to raise the bar, we’re stoked to see how his active learning upgrades make it work even better.