Author: admin

  • Humans of the NMI

    Humans of the NMI

    New Media Photography students took a class trip to see Brandon Stanton speak on campus. Brandon is a UGA grad and founder of Humans of New York (HONY), which is a photographic catalog of New York City residents and their stories. The website produced a bestselling book, and HONY has millions of followers on Facebook,…

  • NMI Students Took a Bite Out of New Apple Products

    NMI Students Took a Bite Out of New Apple Products

    Earlier this month, dozens of students gathered at the NMI to watch Apple unveil its new line of gadgets. The students actively listened as they critiqued the new products, taking note of design highlights and room for improvement. The ongoing discussion during the event shaped and stimulated students’ opinions on design, which resulted in a learning…

  • Stick it to ’em, Dawgs!

    Stick it to ’em, Dawgs!

    This semester, one of our Capstone teams partnered with UGA Athletics to develop the NMI’s first native iOS app using Swift and UGA’s first sticker pack: UGA Stickers. A team of four incredible capstone students – Emily Greenwood, Reilly Megee, Sam Moran and Ian Webb – hustled to complete the first version of the app in…

  • The Adventures of John Weatherford

    The Adventures of John Weatherford

    Our very own John Weatherford has been a busy man. Here’s a brief look at what he’s been up to. A Little Time at Layers In early June, John visited San Francisco to attend Layers, a design conference for the Mac + iOS community. In addition to learning a ton at the conference, John met…

  • Tech Toys: 360 Fly & Google Cardboard

    Tech Toys: 360 Fly & Google Cardboard

    Recently, the NMI has had some fun testing out new gadgets. We are always eager to explore the latest technology and their applications in and out of the classroom. In its efforts to explore the future of photography, the NMI recently acquired a 360° video camera (the 360Fly, to be exact) – it shoots video…

  • Fit Gym

    Fit Gym

      Fitgym is an iOS fitness app that uses sensor and Internet of Things technology to inform users of the current capacity of the Ramsey Student Center and transforms the gym from a place that prompts excuses not to go, to a place users feel empowered to go. Living a healthy lifestyle is the fad…

  • actv


    We live in a world where time is of the essence and every second counts. Our society is also particularly fond of multitasking, juggling careers, education, family, everyday chores, social life, and a healthy lifestyle. The tiniest difference in time can throw a schedule completely off balance. So after all the business of the day,…

  • Waterlight


    Why does maintaining a clean watershed matter? Well, water running through the University of Georgia’s watersheds flow into the lakes and rivers which you kayak, hike and swim in. We are WaterLight, a web-based application whose goal is providing easy access to recreational opportunities in bodies of water connected to those watersheds. The four watersheds…

  • Polidex


    Every four years, American society is simultaneously connected and divided through the Presidential election season. One of the biggest issues faced at voting booths is the lack of millennial turnout. Our goal is to uncover a story within the political process that will make millennials feel personally invested in the election season. While politicians have…

  • ParQR


      It’s a beautiful afternoon in downtown Athens, and you want to catch up with an old friend over coffee. Luckily you’ve managed to snag a coveted spot directly outside of Jittery Joe’s. As you rummage through your wallet, you realize you have no change to pay for the spot and unfortunately this meter is…