Tag: Mobile

  • Garden Buzz

    Garden Buzz

    Wouldn’t it be cool if next time you visited the Atlanta Botanical Garden, you could learn more about the plants around you, the pollinators that help them to grow and bloom, and the importance of these pollinators in the world around us? What if you could then take this information home with you and plant…

  • TerAppin


    In this project, we were asked to conceptualize, plan and execute a distinct and innovative new media product for a local business, the Terrapin Beer Company.  We decided to focus on the sense of community and friendship that exists within the craft beer community. We learned that this community was very strong and tightly knit,…

  • History and Haunts

    History and Haunts

    The History and Haunts app is a great way to learn about the history of Athens through the Oconee Hill Cemetery, which is nationally recognized as one of the most outstanding examples of Victorian cemeteries in the nation. Through this app you can learn basic facts about the cemetery, relevant information such as the hours…

  • NukeIt+


      Here at NukeIt+, we want to improve YOUR interaction with the kitchen. The NukeIt+ app will be able to automate your kitchen appliances to an extent, send notifications as items are cooked and completed. Our app will also have the ability to actively track the food a user has been eating and also spot…

  • Delta Reconnect

    Delta Reconnect

    Wouldn’t it be cool if Delta knew whom you wanted to spend time with and helped reconnect you with the ones you miss? The Delta Reconnect app offers you options to find flight deals to visit your friends. With Delta Reconnect, we’re bringing together friends and loved ones in an organic and privacy considerate way.…

  • ArchCam


    Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a way to get the perfect picture with the click of a button on your smart phone by cameras set up in places you want your picture taken? What if that one click would simultaneously send the photo to your phone, your Facebook, your Twitter and (sometimes!) even…

  • JekyllTour


    JekyllTour is a new interactive app that provides users with an enhanced vacation experience through guided tours and island information. A few years ago, the Georgia Sea Grant  produced an audio walking tour that contained information about the ecological processes, animals, and plants of Jekyll Island in the form of a compact disc. Newer technology,…

  • Tugg


    Wouldn’t it be cool if we could create a mobile game to fight childhood obesity? Tugg utilizes a blend of mobile heart monitoring technology and social gaming to pit teams of kids against each other in virtual games of tug-o-war. The only way for kids to win is by raising their heart rate, thereby reducing…

  • CityStep


    The idea behind this project was to give people in an unfamiliar area a reason to go explore their surroundings by walking around. CityStep wants to make mobile media into a personalized walking travel guide. Research says that walking 30 minutes a day can improve physical fitness and help people keep fit. By staying in…

  • Sherlock Homes

    Sherlock Homes

    When browsing the home market for your dream house it can be easy to get bogged down in the sheer number of houses to choose from. Today’s real estate market is flooded with options. The thought of sift- ing through all the details can be overwhelming with so many factors to consider. So where do…