Serving Students Near and Far

If you’ve been with us since the beginning, you know that the NMI was founded with a mission to serve as an academic resource for the entire UGA community. Today, the NMI is dedicated to this critical mission more than ever. We accomplish this largely through the New Media Certificate, but did you know that our faculty teach classes that extend beyond the 4th floor?

Chris Gerlach serves graduate students in Terry College’s Online Master of Business and Technology. His class, MIST 7540E: User Experience Strategy, covers various elements of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, ranging from usability to aesthetics. He guides students in exploring ways to leverage these principles to strategically accomplish business objectives. 

Over at the Lamar Dodd School of Art, Emerging Media Faculty Advisor Leah Moss will soon teach Graphic Design seniors in ARGD 4190/4191: Digital Platforms and Dynamic Media. In Leah’s course, students will uncover the secrets of usability, accessibility, and cognition, and put their newfound skills to the (usability) test. 

And of course, we can’t forget about students new to UGA! Every summer, Megan Ward, John Weatherford, and Chris Gerlach teach UNIV 1201S: Learning for Success as part of the Freshman College Summer Experience. Each summer, this trio helps incoming freshmen transition to college life and identify habits for academic success while also working alongside a community partner on a service-learning project. We love helping baby Bulldogs transition to life in the Classic City!