
PlantDEX is a streamlined mobile app that allows field researchers to quickly and easily catalog plant data. The app is meant to help GIS technicians, forestry workers, ecological researchers, and other professionals who frequently collect and analyze botanical data in the field.

PlantDEX suits these professionals’ needs in three key ways: first, each entry is automatically tagged with the plant’s GPS coordinates. All entries appear on the in-app map, allowing for easy data visualization and organization. Second, PlantDEX houses a searchable database of Georgia plants. Researchers can type in the first few letters of a plant’s scientific or common name to quickly pull up a list of possible entries. Third, the app allows researchers to photograph unknown species, storing those entries separately for further analysis.

PlantDEX was designed to meet the needs of a growing field. These features streamline and expedite the work of environmental professionals, allowing for broader data collection and quicker discoveries.