Making It Work Better

You know our motto: Make something work. Then make it work better. During the pandemic, we’ve taken this motto to heart by exploring ways to make online classes, content, and events just as fun and engaging as their physical counterparts. If you’ve attended a virtual SLAM or a TEDxUGA Salon with us, you know what we’re talking about! 

Faculty members John Weatherford and Megan Ward presented on this very topic a few weeks ago as part of the Grady College Brown Bag Luncheon Series. This series provides faculty, staff, and graduate students opportunities to enhance their professional knowledge.

As a digital expert in residence, John demonstrated a handful of the latest engaging yet approachable emerging presentation technologies, as well as a few low-cost, high-impact tools for leveling up video conferencing. Next up, TEDxUGA licensee Megan discussed curation elements that are key to building engaging presentations that resonate beyond the stage. 

We’re delighted the NMI was able to take part in this new series, and we loved hearing all the low-stress, high-tech presentation tips from John and Megan!