Double the Dawgs, Double the celebration

As one chapter closes, another one begins. While end-of-semester ceremonies are always tinged with sadness and celebration, this semester is especially bittersweet as we bid adieu to the very first graduating class of Emerging Media Double Dawgs. These students have successfully earned both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years or less — truly invoking the spirit of not only making it work, but work better. We couldn’t be more proud of this EM milestone and these soon-to-be grads!

Congratulations! ?

Emerging Media Online Double Dawgs 

Madison Andrews | Sydney Ross 

Emerging Media Double Dawgs

Tyler Mazurek | Rachel Larson | Paris Johnson 

Double Dawg Graduates: As you venture beyond the Arch and set forth on your professional careers, we know great things await you! And we expect you to still check Slack. Just kidding… or are we?! In all seriousness, thank you for being the first to brave the pathways and pave the road for students long after you. The 4th floor won’t be the same without you!

ICYMI, the four Emerging Media Double Dawg tracks are among more than 100 pathways that collectively make up one of the nation’s broadest array of accelerated master’s programs — and the NMI is just getting started! This Fall, we’re pleased to welcome Computer Science and Marketing majors into the EM Double Dawgs ranks. And before long, you might also see Cognitive Science, Management Information Systems, and Graphic Design students in the mix. Stay tuned!