Bright Ideas with BrightHouse

We wrapped the year with our sixth and final site visit to a place that shines bright like a diamond: BCG BrightHouse!

On a bright note (pun intended), NMI students had a great time visiting the Atlanta-based global creative consultancy that has worked with some of the world’s largest brands to help them discover their purpose. During the visit, the students gained a glimpse of the ideation branding process and explored Ponce City Market in the Old Fourth Ward.

Shout out to NMI Advisory Council member, Jeff Harter, for being the most amenable of hosts. Our students loved meeting the team and exploring the many career paths that BrightHouse has to offer.

Due to generous donor suppport, the NMI will be kicking Professional Fridays up a notch next year. Our vans are crossing state lines and going where no Professional Friday has gone before. Know a company we should visit? There’s no limitation! Reach out to Dayne Young and let’s explore bringing the NMI to you.