Author: admin

  • Tech Toys: 360 Fly and Google Cardboard

    Tech Toys: 360 Fly and Google Cardboard

    Recently, the NMI has had some fun testing out new gadgets. We are always eager to explore the latest technology and their applications in and out of the classroom.In its efforts to explore the future of photography, the NMI recently acquired a 360° video camera (the 360Fly, to be exact) – it shoots video 360° horizontally…

  • Blog Template Official

    Blog Template Official

    Joe Brown NMI Student Arbitrary Text Here ar·bi·trar·y ˈärbəˌtrerē/ adjective adjective: arbitrary based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. “his mealtimes were entirely arbitrary” synonyms: capricious, whimsical, random, chance, unpredictable; More antonyms: reasoned, rational (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority. “arbitrary…

  • Grady’s Centennial Student Showcase

    Grady’s Centennial Student Showcase

    The NMI was honored to be a part of Grady College’s Centennial Celebration. The April weekend kicked off with a student showcase: Today’s Students and Tomorrow’s Opportunities. We were excited to see such an impressive display of student work and so proud to be a part of it! The New Media Institute was well-represented by the following outstanding…

  • SLAM Recap: Cheers to 15 years!

    SLAM Recap: Cheers to 15 years!

    Speaking of our birthday … what better way to celebrate than with Dr. Shamp, graduating seniors, returning alumni, and cake? We enjoyed an AMAZING Spring SLAM celebration at Terrapin Brewery, with 13 capstone groups showing off their hard work from this semester to guests from all over the country. Students made valuable connections at the networking…

  • $30 for 30 Campaign SUCCESS

    $30 for 30 Campaign SUCCESS

    Thanks to the support of many of you – our fabulous alumni and friends – our $30 for 30 campaign raised $2260, far surpassing our goal of $2015. Our first ever crowdfunding campaign both celebrated the NMI’s past 15 years and looks to ensure success for the next 15 years. So THANK YOU! 1 million times more than we can say – THANK YOU! We…

  • Farewell Words from Dr. Shamp

    Farewell Words from Dr. Shamp

    The SLAM on Saturday wasn’t just our 15th birthday celebration. It was also a going-away party. Yes, I am retiring from UGA. As people have learned about my plans, I have noticed them looking at me very closely, as if they were expecting something. When I finally asked about it, they said they were looking to…

  • Vintage Athens

    Vintage Athens

    Walking along the streets of Athens, the air filled with a sense of comfort. When an Athenian or a University of Georgia student leaves this town, the town never leaves them. The people of Athens love their city, but they have no way to effectively and efficiently collect the historical memories of their town. Here…

  • UGA Remastered

    UGA Remastered

    The University of Georgia Special Collections Library specializes in preserving rare historical material. The collections are housed in both the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library and the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies. For the UGA Remastered project, we focused on the Emmy winning Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody…

  • Tribe


    In January 2015, we were tasked with finding a way to make the lives of students with hearing loss the best that they could be. We spoke with the Disability Resource Center at UGA, surveyed over 60 individuals with some degree of hearing loss and interviewed an educator who has worked with deaf students. What…

  • TrailGuard


    Trail Guard allows hikers to travel with greater peace of mind knowing that their safety is being monitored through an interactive application designed to respond to hikers in need. The search and rescue system gives hikers the option to check in before they begin their hike to ensure their safety and improve their hiking experience.…