We Came, We SLAMMED, We Conquered

‘Twas the night before SLAM and all through the state,
People were checking the radar and lying in wait.
Capstone projects were packed up and practiced with care,
But icy roads in Atlanta proved to be a nightmare.
The students were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of certificates danced in their heads.
But the NMI team had a decision to make:
Should they cancel SLAM, or would it be a mistake?
In the end, safety won, and the plan was changed,
For a SNOW SLAM on Tuesday, a new plan was arranged.
They sent out some emails and rallied the troops,
Strung up some lights and called each of the groups:
“Now, ClARify! now, PlannAR! now, Watershed UGA!
On pAR! On Where! On Skidaway!
To the stage in the Studio! To the booths in the PAF!
Watch trailers, share projects, have a bit of a laugh.”
If you joined us, we thank you! Now everyone knows,
You can’t stop the NMI with a little bit of snow.
We’ll see you next Spring without this headache,
Happy SLAM to all, and to all a good break.
Want to learn more about all of the Capstone projects debuted at SNOW SLAM? Check them out below.