Megan Ward: A Leader and a Mentor

Megan Ward has been making an impact all across campus. Last year, Megan was chosen for the Women’s Staff Leadership Institute, an initiative designed to support and encourage women to flourish, advance, and make their full contributions during their careers at UGA. Megan has had the chance to network with other female leaders across campus, develop her own leadership skills, and discuss challenges that women leaders face in higher education. In October, Megan graduated from the program and is now armed with new skills she can implement here in the NMI.

But if you know Megan, you also know she likes to stay busy. On top of WSLI, she was also chosen as a faculty mentor for the 2017-2018 Coca-Cola First Generation Scholars program. This scholarship supports academically outstanding students who are the first in their family to attend college. Recipients receive various support and special opportunities including being paired with a faculty member like Megan.