Trot Track

Trot Track makes drone piloting look easy. Our app launches a drone 400 feet into the sky with one press of a button, capturing an aerial view of equestrian events that facilitates training and scoring. With actual scoring sheets built into the app for coaches and accessory features for athletes, Trot Track solves problems for the entire UGA Equestrian Team.

Utilizing a simplistic and easy-to-navigate interface, Trot Track allows users to sync to a compatible drone, launch the aircraft, and stream video directly into a database accessible on the app. This allows the viewer to observe the symmetry and consistency of the rider and horse from an aerial perspective.

Trot Track also includes a feature that allows coaches to post and athletes to view comments for each video saved on the app. This creates a platform to provide instruction for specific training sessions or events—allowing efficient digital communication between coach and athlete.