The DPA Helper

Henry County 4-H is a youth development organization dedicated to providing youth opportunities to learn leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Each year, Henry County 4-H offers youth across the county the opportunity to participate in a statewide public speaking competition called District Project Achievement. This competition requires youth to develop a speech on a topic of their choice and a portfolio/resume of their 4-H career and project related activities. There are no online resources and very few print resources to support these participants with these goals.

The DPA Helper is the first online, interactive resource designed to help 4-H families create speeches and portfolios for Georgia 4-H’s District Project Achievement. The site allows users to input personalized information and receive a speech outline, introduction, and conclusion. The site also gives youth a space to track their project related activities throughout the year for their portfolio.

Using WordPress and a variety of different plugins, The DPA Helper allows users to prepare for their competition though a personalized online experience. Plugins allow users to create their own profile, save their data, and upload pictures to their account.

Join The DPA Helper as it revolutionizes the way 4-H prepares for District Project Achievement.