The Backpack Project

Our client, The Backpack Project, is a non-profit organization that donates backpacks of food to those experiencing homelessness. The parent non-profit, The Backpack Project Inc., has individual chapters in different cities. The organization asked for a user-friendly website template each chapter could use to post about their projects, updates, and events. Therefore, crafting a personalizable Wix template that each chapter can have and personalize was the best option. The template goes hand-in-hand with a how-to guide holding branding information and tutorials on using Wix features, so they can update their website and make it as on-brand as possible.

Creating a website from scratch can be tricky if you don’t have experience. Our template makes it easy. Wix is a cloud-based development system that powers websites of all sorts. This system allows for creativity and makes web development more approachable with its drag-and-drop features.

Two main groups of people will engage with the template: those who are updating it and those who are viewing it online and looking to learn more about the chapter. Those who are updating it, which are chapter executive members, will find pages where they can implement their personalized information on how to get involved, partnerships, events, contact, etc. Those who view the website, such as corporate donors, will find easy-to-use donation tabs and plenty of information on the chapter to which they donate.