Thank You Fall 2018 Fundsters

In Fall 2017, the NMI launched the Future Fund as a pathway for NMI grads to help provide resources for future students to design, build, and innovate for years to come. In the first year, we were thrilled to see the overwhelming support from our graduates. And though they have pressed into the working world in pursuit of their career aspirations, their commitment to this cause hasn’t receded.

Today, we have a total of 35 incredible students in our New Media Fundster family, and we would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest additions: Ann Tran, Brooke LeBlanc, Lyndsey Jackson, Lollie Davis, Marie Anderson, Rachael Dier, Taylor Holmes, and Zach Durden.

But this isn’t the only growth the Fundster family has experienced. In Fall 2018, the NMI launched the Emerging Media Future Fund creating a path for graduating EMers to provide valuable EM experiences for future generations to come. A huge round of applause ??? to our first class of EM Fundsters: Kristyn Hicks and Morgan Reynolds. Because of your dedication, the future EM experience will be greater than ever with the latest tech, conference opportunities, and more.

Don’t you want to join our Fundster fam? The next step in our Future Fund journey will be to welcome Alumni Fundsters in Fall 2019. So alumni, be on the lookout then for more details to come, and to all of our Fundsters to date, thank you.