Tag: Video

  • Morris Technologies

    Morris Technologies

    Throughout this semester, our team collaborates closely with Morris Technologies LLC, a dynamic startup established by the visionary duo, Debbie and Warren Morris. Morris Technologies is at the forefront of the sports wellness industry, dedicated to enhancing the performance and recovery of athletes and individuals alike. Debbie, a former athletic trainer, brings invaluable expertise, while…

  • Behind the Scenes of TEDxUGA

    Behind the Scenes of TEDxUGA

    TEDxUGA 2023 marked 10 years of celebrating ideas worth spreading on the UGA campus! Over the past decade, TEDxUGA has brought ideas from the UGA community to a global audience with 129 talks reaching 6.1 million views.  But how does this highly anticipated event make it to the stage each year? And how does the campus…



    TEDxUGA is a TEDx licensed event focussed on sharing the best and brightest ideas from within the UGA community. Since 2013, TEDxUGA has made its mark on campus and the greater Athens community growing larger and larger each year. From its humble beginnings as a single room conference to a sold-out Classic Center, TEDxUGA has featured…