Behind the Scenes of TEDxUGA

TEDxUGA 2023 marked 10 years of celebrating ideas worth spreading on the UGA campus! Over the past decade, TEDxUGA has brought ideas from the UGA community to a global audience with 129 talks reaching 6.1 million views. 

But how does this highly anticipated event make it to the stage each year? And how does the campus and community come together to make it happen? We get these questions regularly and the answer is robust. And so, we are beyond excited to officially release Behind the Scenes: A TEDxUGA ShortDoc, directed by our very own Bailey Pelletier. NMI Alum and TEDxUGA 2023 Producer, Bailey dedicated a year to amassing content, conducting interviews, and crafting this cinematic masterpiece!

While we can talk TED all day, we’d much rather show you. So, grab a bag of popcorn and enjoy this deep dive into the incredible efforts that bring TEDxUGA to the stage year after year.