Shall I Compare Thee to a Site Visit?

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, the Microsoft Site Visit was a Dream Come True!

As part of the NMI’s Professional Friday initiative, a group of students repping the New Media Certificate and Emerging Media Masters took a trip to Microsoft’s Atlanta campus. Students toured the tech-driven facilities, attended a series of workshops with teams from different departments, and learned all about the day-to-day operations of this multinational technology corporation! You could say this trip was a window into Windows. 

We want to extend a huge THANK YOU to NMI student LaMia Khandker and her father, Lutful Khandker—both were instrumental in making this dream trip a reality. This was the first of three site visits this semester, so stay tuned for more to come and follow the fun live on Instagram!

Interested in hosting a Site Visit? Within a van’s drive from Athens? Feel free to reach out to Dayne Young, NMI Program Coordinator.