Q UP News

Q UP is a brand new app that eases the hassle of people who are easily overwhelmed with multiple email newsletters in addition to normal daily emails that, in turn, account for a very cluttered inbox. With the goal of decluttering and creating an original way to consume news, Q UP will queue user’s preferred newsletters into one easily digestible source that is aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.

With the implementation of a Gmail API that places a “Q UP” label in users’ inboxes, Q UP will draw in news publications and issues into the app straight from the users’ inbox. Users can build a personalized and unique Q UP feed with the help of features like “Readlists” and a share-out option that provides a fun and organized manner of reading new and old publications.

Instead of signing up for 10 email newsletters and constantly receiving emails every day and never having time to read all of them, Q UP allows the user to keep all those newsletters and read them for later instead of having a normal email account inbox full of emails you don’t have time for or don’t want to read. The news is already chaotic—why should reading it have to be?