
Migrate is the premier bird and animal watching iOS app that encourages users to get outdoors by providing them with a direction. Migrate gives users a variety of species to explore each week.

This app was created for Dr. Richard Chandler of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. He is an associate professor at the University of Georgia and seeks to find the southernmost bird species in a given region.

The Migrate app has two main features: concentration targets and confidence rating. In the app, users will be given a concentration target by having three bird species appear on their landing screen. These selected targets provide them with a direction on their next bird finding. Upon completion, the given bird will be marked as captured from their weekly list. Once the user has found a given species they will be able to submit the accuracy of their bird finding using numerals 1-10 with the confidence rating. In addition to these features, Migrate will provide an explainer on the featured birds and will be linked to a database providing users with more information with their potential next find.

Implementing an incentive and a fun way to find birds, this app is intended to serve all birders. While contributing vital data, these collections are helping researchers study the effects of climate change and discover the southernmost species within regions, to help track shifting migration ranges.