Max Pelot
Graduate Assistant
Max is a Graduate Assistant for the NMI and is working as the Assistant Director of Innovation. He earned his Bachelors in Computer Science and New Media Certificate in May 2024 and is currently pursuing a Masters in Emerging Media.
During his time with the NMI, Max has utilized his programming experience to develop two capstone projects: Ritmo, an Apple Vision Pro game that acts as an AR version of Just Dance. Utilizing hand tracking as part of its core game loop, Ritmo is currently available on the Vision Pro App Store. Now, Max is leading a student team on a collaborative project with the College of Public Health and the Georgia Department of Community Health. This team is producing an immersive scenario-based course that serves to train healthcare surveyors for their qualification tests. The training features 360-degree images to give the feeling of walking around a real healthcare facility.
When not in the NMI lab, Max enjoys playing tennis and developing video games. He is the VP of the UGA Game Builders Club, where he helps host weekly meetings for other aspiring game developers. He plans to continue indie game development as a hobby throughout his career.