Major Matcher

The University of Georgia has many resources, but one tool they are missing is an easy way for students to pick a major that best fits them. Currently, all that UGA offers is a complicated website that displays all majors with little description of each. While this can be useful if needed, it is too complex and not very interactive for students. It became apparent that there needed to be another, better resource for students to have in relation to finding a major and career.

This is why we created the Major Matcher quiz, which helps students find the perfect major at UGA. Our quiz is quick, with just under 30 questions. Our goal is to make it a better user experience and less stressful for students looking for a major. The Major Matcher quiz is a free online quiz based on your interests and strengths. The matching algorithm helps link you up to the perfect major. These questions will filter out different majors based on student’s responses. In the end, they will get a top match result that pairs them with one of the 182 majors UGA offers. Rather than filtering through over 180 majors, students are just a couple of clicks away from finding their major.

At the end of the quiz, not only will students discover their ideal major, but they will also get to see related organizations and careers that go with their interests. Students, through this, will be able to learn more about how to get involved on campus with like-minded students. The list of organizations and clubs will allow students to gain field-related experience, which can help them in the future when looking for jobs. We hope this will benefit students, so they have a better college experience overall.

We hope that this quiz can be used currently and in the future to assist UGA students who may be stuck, undecided, or lost when choosing a major, and ultimately, a career. As choosing a major can be an overwhelming decision, our purpose for creating this quiz is to aid students with planning for their futures. We are here to take a little bit of weight off students’ shoulders and ease the process of deciding on a major and career.