L Driftwood Designs

Online shopping saves time for both the retailer and the buyer. L Driftwood Designs new website gives customers the opportunity to buy hand-selected driftwood creations online.

L Driftwood Designs is a locally owned and operated business in Savannah, GA. Laura Tillman, an award-winning artist, owns the company. Laura hand-selects driftwood pieces and specially crafted custom coastal designs. Growing up, Laura would walk the beaches with her dad picking up shells and finding beautiful driftwood. When beginning her art journey with driftwood art, she would spend time on her boat going along the coastline and beaches, looking at all the beautiful wood she could find. It gave her inspiration, and her imagination helped her develop ideas for pieces she would go on to create.

Laura strives to work with the driftwood pieces she finds and let their natural beauty shine through each piece she hand-selects. Drawing inspiration from the ocean and the many items found along the beaches, she has worked to create beautiful pieces of art. She finds that despite there being a variety of items one can find along the shoreline to create art, she particularly enjoys working with driftwood, finding that there is just so much she can do with the natural colors and textures.

L Driftwood Designs did not have a website — so we created one. While the company has a strong social media following of around 3,000 users, the owner would like to expand her audience and target market. The artist wants the website to allow customers to have a central location to find information regarding her work. This website offers people a way to contact the artist, information about the pieces that can be ordered, background about the artist, and an online store to sell the artist’s work.