
Simply navigating to many local news websites prompts a barrage of pop-up ads, autoplaying videos and an unorganized assortment of content. While local news is incredibly important for informing communities, many outlets do not have an optimal digital presence due to a lack of resources as the media landscape continues to shift. Local newsrooms have needed to adapt to readers’ changing behavior and wants, but journalists are finding that as their needs increase, their resources are shrinking. These changes in the media industry have been especially damaging to the local news ecosystem with more newspapers closing each year. This has created serious situations in some communities that have become news deserts, where there are no local outlets dedicated to informing the public.

By combining a well-designed website template and guides on how to create a good user experience, Juxtapose helps local news organizations make a website that drives and retains readership. Designed specifically for local news outlets and their readers’ needs, the Juxtapose WordPress theme creates a website readers want to visit. The guides are delivered in an enjoyable, clear way through well-organized text, illustrations and videos, ensuring busy local journalists can get the information they need quickly while balancing their many other responsibilities.

Juxtapose provides these free resources and through an easily accessible website to help local news survive and thrive. By combining WordPress, a simple and widely-used platform for newspaper websites, with guides that walk users through every step of the process, Juxtapose makes it easy for journalists with any level of web experience to get a new website up and running quickly. With this combination of resources, Juxtapose offers a one-stop-shop to help newsrooms grow their audience by making reading local news more convenient, enjoyable and informative.