Hatching Ideas With Arketi

The NMI’s latest site visit was an exciting opportunity to explore the world of high-tech B2B PR and digital marketing with Atlanta-based firm, Arketi Group! Students and faculty received an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the agency, including hiring how-to’s, insightful discussions on the creative project lifecycle, and an immersive HATCH! brainstorm session, where students ideated marketing ideas for small businesses (one even involved an exclusive Beyoncé concert!).

The experience was led by none other than Grant Tucker, Arketi Account Executive and alumnus of the NMI’s New Media Certificate and Emerging Media Masters.

“I graduated from the NMI and a week later was at Arketi,” says Grant. “Coming from the NMI was hugely helpful. Being familiar with industry tools and software provided such a tremendous leg up!”

Huge thank you to Grant and his fellow Arketians! We had a blast and can’t wait to visit again!