GymDogs Experience 2.0

This year, the UGA New Media Institute has continued the partnership with the UGA Gymdogs gymnastics team, bringing back the brand new and more exciting “Gymdog Experience 2.0!” Not only does this team have a creative vision on what the final product will look like, they are creating exciting products to bring the Gymdog experience to another level!

The team worked with client Lijah Galas, Director of UGA Gymnastics Creative Services & Social Media, to continue the development of this project from last year to further improve their year-round recruitment efforts and fan experience. Picking up where the previous Capstone team left off, the team faces the challenge of learning a new set of creative tools for AR development.

By giving fans and new Gymdog recruits an exhilarating virtual experience, we want the recruits to feel like they are already part of the team while enlarging the fans’ experience throughout the SEC gymnastics season. The two AR filters we’ve designed are the Savage Confetti Bucket AR filter and the National Champion Trophy AR filter—both will be accessible soon to all users. With the magic of the AR technology, any user can see a real-life, adjustable sized confetti bucket or the 10 national champion trophies that the Georgia Gymdogs have won over the years. Both filters are produced through a 3D modeling platform called “Blender,” then a filter creation platform called “Spark AR.” The confetti buckets and the national champion trophy were texturized, polished, and adjusted to make them user-friendly. Same goes for the static filters: the Gymdogs Makeup Static Filter and the SEC Spirit Static Filters, which were both created through various designing tools (Adobe and Spark AR). Not only you can feel the spirit from the actual venue, but you can also see what it’s like to be a Gymdog on the mat with this realistic makeup filter!