Georgia On Your Mind

From the New Media Institute at the University of Georgia comes the Georgia On Your Mind podcast, a series that explores the relationship between the state of Georgia and the university that lives within the heart of it. Each week, a new episode will dive into an area that the state excels in and how the University of Georgia acts as a major contributor to that success. Areas include sports tourism, entrepreneurship, music business, agriculture, marine conservation, and film production.

Above all else, the Georgia On Your Mind podcast will bring a fresh perspective to an educational topic. There are many reasons why UGA is a prized possession of the state, and we believe that people should know more about it. For those who live (or have ever lived) in Georgia and/or have some tie to the University of Georgia, listeners can expect to have Georgia on their minds long after finishing the last episode. After all, you can’t spell UGA without the GA!

Podcasting is an emerging technology that has become more prevalent in recent years because it acts as a virtual storyteller. Podcasts allow complex stories to be communicated in digestible pieces for the listener, causing them to gain popularity among younger audiences specifically. Not only can they be consumed anywhere and at any time, but they also have the potential to reach a wider audience. The Georgia On Your Mind podcast plans to do just that, along with connecting each and every one of its members over their shared love of The Peach State.