Family Button

Staying in touch. It sounds so simple right after a family visit, but then the whirlwind that is everyday life comes and some things are lost in the mix. Grandparents love to keep up with their kids’ and grandkids’ latest accomplishments and activities. Sometimes though, it’s just not that easy.

That’s where Family Button comes in! Rather than relying on the occasional telephone call Family Button provides a simple and intuitive way for grandparents to follow their loved ones online. Our site collects photos that kids and grandkids have uploaded onto Facebook and brings them to your Family Button account.

Simply log in and your family’s recently uploaded photos will be right there waiting for you in an easy to navigate slideshow. Once viewed, Family Button will save those photos in a virtual photo album that you can come back and browse through whenever you want.

Grandparents get to share in all of the awesome family moments without having to navigate through any walls filled with statuses, likes, and posts. Family Button even sends out a weekly email that showcases some of the newest photo uploads and includes a link that will take the account holder straight to their page where they can look at the rest of the freshly added pictures.

Family Button also stresses simplicity for the rest of the family. Kids and grandkids just have to download our Facebook app. Then all they need to do is add their snapshots to the Family Button photo album, and our site will deliver them to straight to the grandparent’s page.

Whether your family is finding it hard to keep connected or just looking for an additional way to stay in touch, Family Button is here to help.