Emuel Aldridge

Senior Lecturer

Emuel is a rare triple dawg with three UGA degrees (BA, MA, Ed.D) and has been with the NMI for more than 15 years. He teaches four courses at the NMI: New Media Production, teaching students how to code and build websites; Advanced New Media Production, teaching students to build interactive web applications; New Media Capstone, overseeing the creation of a functional project; and Rich Media Production, teaching students how to produce native iOS applications. He is fluent in Spanish, and in a previous life worked as both a grant evaluator and in research aimed at developing strategies for supporting the transition of Hispanic Adults into post-secondary education.

Emuel joined the NMI in January 2006.

Bragging Rights

2017 Promotion to Senior Lecturer
2016 Outstanding Teacher of the Year
2015 Online Learning Fellow
2013 Recipient of Innovative Instruction Faculty Grant

In the News 

2019 New Media Institute publishes native apps from Capstone class
2016 Mobile application developed by NMI students released in the app store; technology used internationally
2016 Grady College doubles summer online course offerings
2015 Grady College to offer online courses in summer 2015
2013 UGA Faculty Awarded Innovative Instruction Grants