Emerging Media Milestones

This summer, the Emerging Media Masters celebrated two monumental milestones:

1️⃣ We welcomed the fifth residential cohort into the EM family.

2️⃣ We officially launched the highly-anticipated online pathway and welcomed the first-ever cohort of Emerging Media Online students!

While it feels like EM has always been in the family, the reality is that this much-loved program is still in its infancy. In the last four years it has hit the ground running, with each year ushering in a new stage of growth: curriculum advancing, enrollment increasing, and Double Dawg offerings evolving.

As the first Emerging Media Online students now take to Zoom, Slack, and eLC, they will join the residential students in exploring the same project-based, technology-centric, and design-dedicated curriculum, with the added convenience of completing the program from any location. Here’s to you, online-learners: may your Wi-Fi, laptops, and coffee be strong.