Creative Communication With Carnegie Dartlet

At the NMI, we’re always looking for modern and exciting ways to engage with our students and ensure we’re putting the “new” in New Media Institute. Recently, we’ve been getting some inspiration from Carnegie Dartlet, a firm dedicated to innovative communications in higher education.

Earlier this semester, Megan Ward and Chris Gerlach road-tripped south to Orlando to attend the Carnegie Dartlet Conference. In addition to hanging out with Mickey and Minnie, the two spent time with industry-leading experts exploring modern communication strategies for higher education. Armed with these modern insights, tools, and best practices, Megan and Chris are taking creative steps to boost student engagement and bolster the NMI brand.

Impressed with everything Carnegie had to offer, the NMI was eager for more. Just last week, the NMI team took a drive to Atlanta for one of Carnegie Dartlet’s regional workshops. Chris and the NMI’s elite squad of program assistants spent the day learning about the latest social media trends. Stay tuned to see how we put some of this new insight into action, and be on the lookout for many more Carnegie Dartlet adventures to come!