Books for Keeps

Books for Keeps is a non-profit organization local to Athens, Ga that works to provide children with equal access to books. In day-to-day operation, Books for Keeps can process upwards of hundreds of books, and works to distribute them to schools, parents, and children alike. However, Books for Keeps is not limited to simply managing donations, the company also offers extensive literacy programs, yearly events and fairs, and is responsible for a vast network of volunteers. Over the years, Books for Keeps has expanded into a hugely impactful, far-reaching operation.

Thousands of people interact with Books for Keeps programs, but the website still runs in the same format as it did in 2009.
We collaborated with Books for Keeps and its current director, Justin Bray, to address the issues he found on the current website. We want to transform the digital presence into a more cohesive, accessible format. Due to the volume of donations, dependability is an enormous part of the project. Books for Keeps is continuously expanding, and they need a website that can grow with them, and be adaptable to ever-changing factors.

Our proposed solution is a completely redone, new website. We’ve shifted the platform of hosting to word press to guarantee more security for all of Books for Keep’s financial transactions. We’ve also given this new site a modernized design, one that lends itself to improved function and typographic depiction. The current version of the site has been building on itself for more than a decade now, and as a consequence has become very difficult to navigate. Our goal has been to create a site with a user-friendly interface, and draw attention to the most frequently accessed parts of the website, and the most important information. Books for Keeps is a professional organization, and we want our design to reflect that – Modern design that retains every aspect of the Books for Keeps mission.