
The team is collaborating with Intelligent Dots LLC and Dr. Song from the University of Georgia School of Engineering on their product, BedDot. The problem BedDot aims to solve is to give medical staff and parents vital information while providing peace of mind. The project objective is to create a launch kit. Throughout the semester, the focus has narrowed down to the senior care and infant markets. Concentrating on a business-to-business approach, the team looked at existing technologies used in hospitals and senior-care facilities and competitors in the infant sector. User research involved interviews with a medical assistant/caretaker and a parent.

BedDot offers many features that set it apart from its competitors. BedDot’s capabilities include monitoring blood pressure, heart rate, respiration rate and event detection. Its contactless nature ensures user comfort and its ease of installation beneath the bed adds to its appeal. Moreover, BedDot delivers real-time results instead of delayed reports and offers full coverage of the bed rather than partial coverage.

The launch kit comprises a brand kit, Figma user interface and user testing. The brand kit encompasses a color palette, typography, horizontal and vertical logo variations, and a favicon. There is also an exploration of new logo iterations. The Figma UI presents mockups of screens a user would encounter while using BedDot, catering to both healthcare workers and patients. It includes a login page, patient profiles displaying vital signs, FAQs, subscription options, and installation guidelines. User testing incorporates questions on BedDot pricing, building on insights gathered from previous interviews.