Athens Justice League

Athens Justice League was developed for the non-profit organization, Athens Access to Justice Initiative, to streamline their efforts into a website that simplifies the legal system and provides appropriate resources to help people through the entire legal process. The website provides court information, supporting legal documents, events, and translates legal jargon to make the process more accessible.

Before this website, information about the legal system was not in one place. People were largely uninformed about the legal process as a whole spanning from which documents to fill out to what to wear to court. The onset of this website provides resources and information so that people can independently navigate the legal system more easily should they choose self-representation.

The Athens Access to Justice website allows self-litigants to take online quizzes about their specific legal needs which will pinpoint the steps they need to follow in order to fill out their legal forms effectively. These quizzes will make these long forms less arduous and more approachable to the underprivileged citizens of Athens that don’t have access to any other help.