Athens Historical Society

For this project, the team was tasked with helping the Athens Historical Society re-build their website to better align with their goals of disseminating information about the society and Athens’ history in a more visually pleasing, efficient and streamlined manner. Since Athens Historical Society is a resource for historical information and aims to preserve the city’s historical records, the team wanted to make the process more simple for users, members and new audiences to find the organization and the information they provide for the community.

In the process of building out the new and improved website, the team identified other areas that could use improvement for a better digitized experience for users, old and new. They incorporated new elements of design and content ideas for the AHS such as a new logo, a new color scheme and a digitized version of their newsletter since they previously only sent out paper copies.

Overall, the project’s goal was to keep the history and message of the AHS the same while creating more aesthetic and efficient delivery methods that will appeal to larger audiences than the one they currently have. The new website and other deliverables the team created for the society will help AHS continue to preserve history in a modern way to a wider audience.