UG-Ability Testing

Usability testing, but make it UGA.

For this project, you’ll be partnered with someone in class. One of you will be conducting a usability test on the UGA website, the other on the UGA mobile app. You’ll test each other and answer questions related to analysis.

Everything you need to conduct this usability test is prepared for you:

  • Testing script
  • Tasks
  • An additional method of testing
  • Analysis questions

Scripts are designed to be delivered either over Zoom or in-person, based on your personal preference (does not impact grading).

Example: Your name is Jack, and your partner’s name is Patty. Jack has been assigned to the UGA homepage. He reads the UGA homepage script aloud to Patty, walks Patty through the task scenarios, Microsoft Product Reaction Cards, and fills out the documentation provided with observations. He completes the questions at the end, saves his document as a PDF, and uploads it to eLC.

Patty is assigned the UGA mobile app. She reads the UGA mobile app script to Jack, and walks him through the associated tasks and System Usability Scale, making observation notes along the way. She completes the questions at the end, saves the document as a PDF, and uploads it to eLC.


Files provided as Microsoft Word (.docx) files.

Helpful Links

When you complete the analysis section, you’ll want to use Adjusted Wald and Task Time calculators.