Intro Assignment


Hello there.

There are few things in this life more despicable than getting to know other people, but it is a necessary evil just like dentist appointments, relying on Spectrum Internet, and putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher even though you did it last time.

As an extra incentive, you’ll receive ONE point if you do this assignment. Who knows? That one point could be the difference between a B and B+. A point is a point is a point.

Intro Assignment Instructions

Part 1: Adjust Settings

  1. Navigate to Slack.
  2. In the top right, click on your profile icon > Edit Profile.
  3. List your full name (first and last) as your Display Name.
  4. Upload an image for your profile picture. No group photos, please — those won’t help me identify you.
  5. When you’re done, select save changes.

Part 2: Introduce Yourself

  1. Navigate to the #intros channel in the UX Slack workspace.
  2. Write a message containing the following information:

1️⃣ Name Leah Moss

2️⃣ Major Emerging Media Masters Faculty

3️⃣ Where in the world you are taking this class Athens, GA

4️⃣ A favorite digital product of yours that you think offers a great user experience/user interface and why. By digital products, think of mobile apps, watch apps, computer programs, video games, websites you regularly visit, streaming services, etc. For example, do you have a weather app you think is superior? Do you think one food mobile ordering app is way easier to use than others? Why do you prefer Netflix over Amazon Prime streaming? Venmo over Paypal? You get the idea. There’s not a right or wrong answer here (unless you say Athena is your favorite, in which case you will be judged).